Spam ? - [Fwd: Fwd: WMAL Commercial re Ham radio]

Robert Bruninga bruninga at
Mon May 23 17:56:54 CDT 2005

I dont see why Ham Radio does not qualify as
a public service announcement and should be
carried FREE by radio stations anyway.  Bob

>>> andre.kesteloot at 5/23/2005 6:29:43 PM >>>

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Fwd: WMAL Commercial re Ham radio
Date: 	Mon, 23 May 2005 13:42:43 -0400
From: 	Richard Rucker <rrucker at>
To: 	Ch91 members

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Bernhard E. Keiser" <keiser at>
Date: May 23, 2005 11:27:50 AM EDT
To: "Dick Rucker" <rrucker at>
Subject: WMAL Commercial re Ham radio

Hi Dick,
WMAL has been airing a commercial for the Michael Graham talk show that

I feel is condescending toward ham radio.  They say that listening to 
him is "better than sitting in your basement and listening to ham 
radio".  I heard it yesterday at 12:30 PM, and again this morning at 
8:38 AM.  I sent him an e-mail about this to mail at  I

also sent a copy to newsmedia at  How about an e-mail campaign 
to Mr. Graham from our chapter members?  Maybe that will give him 
second thoughts.  I am being positive with him, pointing out the many 
things we do on a volunteer basis at no cost to the taxpayer. 
Bernie, W4SW

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